
Dr.V.Sunitha PI. Project Title: “Bioremediation of Heavy metals through Geomicrobes from soil and Groundwater”: A case study around Tummalapalli Uranium mining area, Kadapa, A.P”. 2021-2024 Department of Science and Technology (SPG/2021/003587) SERB: DST (SERB Power Grant) New Delhi, India  Rs 26,87,162/-

Dr. K.Raghu Babu, PI. Project Title: “Mapping of Natural Resources of Kadapa district using LANDSAT ETM+ image of Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, India. [F.No.42-61/2013 (SR)]”. Period of the Project: 2013-2017 (4 Years). Sponsoring Agency: University Grants Commission (UGC). Total Project Outlay: Rs. 11,20,000/-

Dr. V. Sunitha, PI. Project Title: “Geochemistry and health impact of fluoride in Ground water in parts of Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh. (SR/FTP/ES 50/2007)” Period of the Project: 2008-2011 (3 Years). Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi. Total Project Outlay: Rs.12,00,000/-

Dr. S. Srinivasa Gowd, PI. Project Title: “Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation of contaminated soils due to waste disposal from Tannery industries: Two case studies-Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, and Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India (SR/FTP/ES 19/2005, dt.14.09.2005)”. Period of the Project: 2006-2010 (4 years). Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi. Total Project Outlay: Rs.16,00,032/-